Lost Skills Class

Classes will begin again in January

Lost Skills Classes

Programs designed to enrich your life with mastery of skills for a sustainable future

Classes are held the last Sunday of each month at 4 pm at the church


Click below for previous Lost Skills   videos:                         

February 2023: Pantry management

March 2023: Starting seeds and plants

April 2023: Garden planting

May 2023: Bread making

June 2023: Foraging

July 2023: Canning

October 2023: Pressure cooking and garden winter prep

January 2024: Herbal and home remedies

February 2024: Bread Making

March 2024: Intermediate Gardening

April 2024: Emergency Planning

May 2024: Exercise in Daily Activities

July 2024: Natural Herbal Products

September 2024: Fall gardening for winter greens